Thursday, June 20, 2013

Teddy Bear Lost

Teddy Bear
Teddy Bears are Fun, while some children cling to a favorite blanket, or other fun toy. 

In my opinion every child needs a fun doll or stuffed animal to cuddle and love. 
A teddy bear is perfect to fulfill this need for both boys and girls.
Somehow in the different moves from one apartment to another, through no fault of his own, our Uncle Doug had lost his Teddy Bear. 

I am not sure if he wanted another one or not, but a few years later I found an identical bear that matched his first one.  It became a Christmas gift to him.

He seemed to appreciate the gift and he placed it on his bed.

There was another teddy bear that did not fare so well.  A child of a dear friend received a similar bear, one Christmas from us. 

While her mother was having a new baby, she came to stay with us for a few days. 

She offered the subject, and said she wished she had a Teddy Bear.  I suggested that she already had one and why did she need another one?

“Oh no,” she replied, “My dad cut off his head because I touched something that belonged to him, so I no longer have a Teddy bear.”

I felt so sorry for this child and almost “hated” her dad for such cruel and selfish behavior.

However I could not bring myself to replace a new one for her, lest it meet the same fate.

When her parents divorced, I was not even sad, because I knew in my heart that God had something better for our friend.

No, I do not approve of divorce, but there are times when it is Biblically correct and this was one of those situations.

In life as we looking back, many of us including this dad, could wish things had been done differently.

The best thing one can do in a present circumstance is to “Let go what might have been” and move on forward with life.

If you are holding on to an old Teddy Bear, keep it safe and put in a place of honor.


This story has been shared with Gail at T.G.I.F. 

Also shared With Ramona at: Create With Joy
The theme is Fun Facts


Gail @ said...

We had a foster daughter many years ago, and when she was returned to her family, her father destroyed all of the gifts we gave her (burned them). It's very hard seeing children raised in this way. We pray that the message of Christ we spoke into her life had lasting effects.

Floyd said...

Those acts of violence have more effect than we give credence. The scars of those acts last a lifetime. A simple cloth with stuffing and button eyes can mean so much... I hope the girl found peace and broke the curse with the love of our Father...