Monday, June 12, 2017

I was Dead and Now I am Alive.

This post is digested from my notes as Pastor Rodney ministered Sunday Morning


Sometimes we get tired and consider giving up, but think about this:  IN Christ I Can do all things, so what holds you back?

Usually it is our thoughts of past condemnation, but understand this; we are not under condemnation of our past.

2 Corinthians 5:17, declares “I am a new creature the old is gone and look, all New things have come.

Romans 8:1 reminds us “There is no condemnation for those who walk in the Holy Spirit.”  Keep being filled with the Holy Spirit of God.

Our new self nature is in Christ, so what does IN CHRIST mean?

We are not the same person we once were when we were walking in darkness.  We have come to the light, and we are able to change our thoughts.  Our thoughts are what condemn us and according to God’s Word, I can chose to think on good things.

It is a known fact that we cannot think on two things at the same time, so I choose to Praise Jesus and think on lovely things.

Jesus never gives up on us and He is there to comfort, bless and encourage us. 

Don’t blame the church for not paying more attention to you.  Watch the spirit of offence when you begin to slip into a pity party and are feeling sorry for yourself.

Understand that once you were Not IN CHRIST and the old life had control.  We must recognize that the Bible is true.  Take it for real and accept God’s promises.

Heed the voice of the Holy Spirit.  There are conditions:  God says; “If you will do this, I will do that.”  We have to believe God’s Word is true. 

God says: “Put aside foolish things, and put on my righteousness.”  All that Jesus IS, you are - - because you are IN Christ. 

Of yourself you are nothing, but IN HIM, you are a giant ready to overcome the enemy.  You have a choice.  That is how it is.  We have a responsibility to follow God’s Word and live as His will dictates.

Be quick to repent and quick to forgive. 

Keep in the Word of God daily and pay attention to what you read.  Digest it, think about it and meditate on the words as you take it to heart.

As we saturate ourselves in God’s Word and in His presence, we are daily being changed from glory to glory. 

Paul mentioned that we are in a race, and there is a prize of the High Calling.  Those who complete their race will wear a victor’s crown.


Karen said...

These are encouraging thoughts. It sounds like you have a wise pastor. Thank you for sharing this.

Unknown said...

Wow. That covered a lot of ground. What stood out to me was the "Pity Party" which starts with that nasty pride.