Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Enduring Word

Jesus the Eternal Word
At the mall, there are all sizes of stores.  Not one size fits all.  We each have a gift and they are not the same.  There are many different gifting.  Some can give their testimony, while others are called to be intercessors and build the wall. 

God made man in His own image, even if our colors and shapes are different; we are still made in His image – The Word.

We represent Christ and as such we need to draw daily from the water of life.

Peter says in 1 Peter 2:1-8 that we are living stones.  Jesus the stone was rejected and many stumble over Him.  We also are a spiritual house. 
Verse 7 says the stone rejected has become the chief cornerstone and a rock of offence.  But you are a chosen generation.

The Christians in Peter’s day were persecuted, and we must remember that we are IN HIM. 

All other religions, people seem to accept but when they come to Christianity, they stumble over Jesus.

Verse 9 reminds us who we are – a people of God called out of darkness into His marvelous light.  We are a Royal and Holy people of God.

We all have personal weaknesses, but God is merciful to me (and to you.)

Where you live, take authority over your area, your land, and your household.

We are in a spiritual battle and this world is evil and would make nil and void our message.

Our teacher showed a video about thousands of Muslims are secretly converting to Christianity.   They meet in secret to worship Jesus.  This is dangerous for if they are caught, they may be arrested and beheaded.  There is serious persecution in our world.

They search for answers to a relationship with God/Jesus.  How do they live?   They look for opportunity to share on TV, in the colleges. 

Verse 12 encourages us to conduct ourselves honorably so when they speak evil of you, they may see your good works and glorify the Father.

We are not to worry about the opinion of others, and simply live to please God. 

Minister where you are!  Put to silence the ignorance and foolishness of men.


Cheryl said...

Yes, dear Hazel! Amen, and amen! I love what you said about taking authority. I think we live way below our privileges in the Kingdom of God because we do not lay claim to what God has already bestowed to us....this includes our healing and all others of our lives. God help us to step up in bold, audacious faith and claim what He has willed to us! So encouraged by your words, as always, and sending you many wishes for a Merry Christmas!

Lux G. said...

Beautiful words to live by.
Happy Christmas!

caryjo said...

I'm heart-broken re: many things in our present-day world. Know so much, b/c of computer connections, etc. AND when in Uganda and Morocco, DID see Muslims coming to the Lord and being protected carefully by people. I have a Muslim "son" here now, and he has turned to the Lord when and how he can. Anyhow, serving the Lord is all we can do. I plan on it from now to heaven! Thank you for sharing. Grabbed my attention! Bless you. Have a wonderful stretch of the week through Christmas, and back and forth with family and friends. I'm smiling and winking at you!