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Sunday Morning, at Open Door Church, I took notes and present here for you an edited sermon.
Pastor Allan began his
message by reminding us that today was Palm Sunday. We celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus
riding into Jerusalem
- - as a King, on the colt of a donkey.
The crowd threw down their
coats, flowers and palm branches as they shouted Hosanna, blessed is He that
comes in the name of the Lord.
This was prophesied in Zechariah 9:9 Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout,
Daughter Jerusalem !
See your king comes to you righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a
donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Isaiah 62:11 The
Lord has made proclamation to the ends of the earth: Say to daughter Zion , See, your Savior
comes, See his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.
Religious leaders in the
crowd were upset and were threatened by all the singing and shouting and tried to
quiet the people, but Jesus said if the people were silent, the rocks would cry
They were stuck in their tradition and religious mind set and refused to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah. The leaders had read the scriptures, and were expecting a Messiah, but they just didn’t think the Messiah would come this way.
They were stuck in their tradition and religious mind set and refused to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah. The leaders had read the scriptures, and were expecting a Messiah, but they just didn’t think the Messiah would come this way.
We often try to figure out
how we want God to work things out for us, and we miss the truth. His ways and plans are best.
Jesus left the procession and
entered the temple. There He saw the
money changers doing business inside the church.
They were dishonest, raising prices and short changing the people who were purchasing animals to sacrifice for their sins. Jesus knew their hearts were evil, and righteous indignation rose up in Him. He began to upset their tables using a whip. That didn’t go over very well with the Religious leaders.
They were dishonest, raising prices and short changing the people who were purchasing animals to sacrifice for their sins. Jesus knew their hearts were evil, and righteous indignation rose up in Him. He began to upset their tables using a whip. That didn’t go over very well with the Religious leaders.
Jesus died for the sins of
the world, not just the Pharisees and Sadducees, but for you and for me.
Jesus said, the commandments
say, “Do not murder, but if you call your brother a fool, you are in danger of
hell fire.” He also said, the
commandment tells us not to commit adultery, but it is needful to guard your
heart and your eyes not to look on a woman with lust.
People in the crowd were
easily distracted; instead of listening to Jesus they were busy using their
smart phone to text.
In the households of many
they were still talking about Mary anointing Jesus feet with the expensive
perfume, and Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Now they became fickle and were easily swayed
by the mob, because in a few days they were shouting crucify him.
By tradition, Pilot could
release one prisoner, and he wanted to set Jesus free. However the crowd shouted to release
Barabbas, a revolutionary who had committed murder.
Pilot yielded to the crowd
and let Barabbas go, and his thug friends welcomed his release. Barabbas was set free and Jesus took his place. - - -
Who is Barabbas really? It is me.
Barabbas could walk away free because Jesus took his place. Jesus took your place.
God says, give me your shame,
your sins, your brokenness, and stand free because Jesus was willing to go to
the cross for you and for me.
We of our selves can never be
good enough to earn salvation. Jesus is
enough. Every-one of us should be facing
eternal death, but Jesus took our place and our punishment.
Jesus gives us the power to
resist the devil and he will live His LIFE in and through us.
When we stumble, He picks us
up. No matter how frustrated we get, God
is able to change your focus and keep you from falling.
Use your freedom to serve
Jesus and follow Him.
God the Father was pleased
with the sacrifice that Jesus made, and he declares that all who believe on
Jesus and confess Him as Lord shall be saved.
God has honored Jesus!
2:9-11 Therefore God has highly exalted him
and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of
Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and
every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Barabbas is Me. Good thoughts and presentation. So very glad that GOD is able to change MY focus! Thhanks for sharing!
Great post Hazel. Clear message of who Christ is and what He did for us.
Great post Hazel. Clear message of who Christ is and what He did for us.
"It is me..." Yes. It is me too. Thanks be to our Father and His Son for their sacrifice for our atonement. My soul bathes in His presence and thanks.
Thank you. Sharing the Word and sharing the reality of Jesus. I can hardly wait to be in Heaven to see Him and give love to Him.
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