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Take My Yoke for it is Easy |
What do you think of when you
hear the word “YOKE?”
A yoke was placed on oxen to
control them and keep them on the “Right path.”
Two as a team under a yoke would
get more work done, faster and easier.
The farmer could not hook
together opposite animals such as an ox and a donkey, because they would pull
against each other causing problems, waste and destruction.
This is the reason Paul told
2 Corinthians 6:14 Be not
unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has Righteousness
with Unrighteousness? What partnership
has Light with Darkness?
(This verse speaks of
partnership with both God and the devil and it just will not work.)
We should also apply this
scripture to our association with people we hang out with. Are your friends like minded to follow Christ
or is there a clash of wills and desires?
It is good to attend a church
where the Bible is taught, and your belief in God is yoked up together with
persons who attend.
If you are seeking a mate –
do keep this in mind to avoid BIG trouble ahead. Only date those of LIKE precious faith, and
persons who are actively serving Christ Jesus. Also it is good to date one who
believes in the present day work of the Holy Spirit.
Warning: Do not date an
unbeliever or one who is a member of a cult, such as New Age, types of
meditation, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons or into Spiritism. Avoid the problems and horror stories that
come from yoking up with these kinds of relationships.
Jesus offered us to YOKE up
with him because he is gentle, kind and will give you peace and rest.
11:28-30 Come unto me,
all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I
am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
The yoke of subjection to
Jesus is giving his disciples a reason why
they should embrace his teachings. He was not harsh, overbearing, and
oppressive, like the Pharisees, (For they bind heavy burdens
laying them on men’s shoulders and grievous to be borne,) but Jesus is meek,
mild, and gentle in his government. His laws were reasonable and tender, and it
would be easy to obey him. Once we are free in Christ, Galatians 5:1 Christ did set us free: stand fast therefore, and be not entangled again in a yoke of bondage.
What can we learn from this message today?
Examine your self
be sure you are “Yoked up” with Jesus and those of like minded Faith.
As we reach out
to our neighbors, we will discover people yoked up with all types of belief and
bondage. Keep Jesus uppermost in our
sharing and be sure to have a Bible or brochure to leave with those we meet to encourage them to Yoke up with Jesus.
I loved the thoughts you presented here, sweet sister. Wish I could have heard them in person. To know that Jesus is so meek and humble and gentle in His dealings makes one want to yoke up with Him as their partner for life. I had never looked at it in this way. I am going through some very heavy trials right now, and it is such a comfort to know that He is on the other end of the yoke, pulling WITH me, and not against me. Pray for me, if I come to mind. Thank you so very much, and God bless you.
This is one of the many beautiful promises in the Bible that I like. So comforting.
Love this Hazel...so often I lean on my yoke of flesh instead of His yoke. Thank God He allows us to take off our flesh yoke and put on His..Good post
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