Monday, April 25, 2011

A Bird in Our Attic??

We had recently moved to a new city and a new house, so everything was an exciting experience for us.

A tornado had recently blown through our back yard, taking with it a tree house that the former owner had made for his children. This was windy Oklahoma and we were thrilled.

We could look out our kitchen window and view the meadow behind our property and enjoy the pastoral scene of the cows munching the green grass.

After being gone all morning, we arrived home one afternoon to hear a bird chirping in our house.

“Where is it?” we asked each other. How did it ever get inside the house?

Softly so as to not frighten the bird, we crept from room to room. Not here in the kitchen, not in the bedroom. Peep, Peep, we continued to hear the chirping noise.

“I think it is here in the hallway,” I exclaimed to my husband.

“It sounds like it could be up in the attic,” my husband replied.

Getting a ladder he cautiously climbed up and opened the crawl space and peered inside.

From his vantage point - - it dawned on him what the chirping noise actually was.

There in the hallway, high on the wall, was a smoke alarm and the battery being weak, was setting off a signal that it needed replacing. How embarrassing, not a bird at all!

In life we often get signals that our prayer life is getting weak, or that our Bible reading may be in need of new energy.

We get so involved in earning a living, and just being active that we often forget to keep tuned in to the things of God.

Is your life crashing around you? Perhaps it is that your battery has grown weak and you need a surge of New Life. Take some quiet time to get alone with the Lord and plug into his Holy Word.

There is an old Hymn that I am reminded of and it is so true, “Take Time to be Holy.”

Talk often with the Lord and take time to listen as He speaks back to you.

1 comment:

Megan said...

You are so right. A good reminder for all of us in this busy world.