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Go Evangelize |
Pastor Allan was ministering
as I took notes and present an edited sermon here for you.
“Don’t worry how you look
when you worship, just lose yourself in the Spirit. There is no time for self awareness, of how
others may perceive you. It is God we
are worshiping and He is pleased. Our
responsibility is to please God, so go ahead and lift your hands, wave a
banner, dance, and fall on your knees because it is okay.
If God decides to change the
program; our responsibility is to follow His leading.
I believe in the five fold
ministry; Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.
You may not think you fit
into any of these ministries, but I declare we can all be evangelists. And
Evangelist goes and shares his testimony of what Jesus has done for him.
Just after the resurrection
of Jesus he told his disciples to Go, make disciples and teach them how to
follow a righteous and holy pathway.
Matthew 28: 18-20 Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and
make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and
lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Pastors preach and teach, and
the congregation receives the Word and take it out to others. It is the responsibility of each person to
live for God. You cannot force anyone to
make changes in their lifestyle, but you can share what the word says.
When someone you respect falls, you are not
responsible, but you can and should pray that they recover themselves.
Each of us has a gift and we
may prophesy, speak in tongues, but the question is, “How does your personal
testimony add up?
In the work place and also in
church denominations, there are standards for those who manage and lead
others. God has a standard for his
children, and first and most important it is to be washed in the Blood of
Jesus. God requires a consecrated and
righteous life.
It looks bad to the
world if our ministers are not walking holy before God. The world is our best critic as to how a
Christian should behave.
Don’t be weighted down by
worry and concern when others are not toeing the line. That is their responsibility before God, and
yours is to pray that their faith fail not.
Many pastors lose sleep over
their wayward sheep, but actually they need to keep preaching the word of God,
and God has promised that His Word will not return void.
We get comfortable just being
“us,” but because Jesus told us to GO, we are responsible to listen to how He
instructs us to obey the Great Commission.
How can we teach others?
We can share our
testimony and ask the person to receive Jesus.
We can invite
them to a Bible Study or to our church.
We can show them
what the Word says about a walk of faith.
We can encourage
them to begin to daily read God’s Word and pray.
We can show them
the scriptures about, “The Holy Spirit" and a deeper life in God.
We can teach them
that God loves them very much and they can love God in return. (It
is easy to love back when someone loves you first.)
Pray down the Holy Spirit to
give you words to bring about “change” when you are sharing with others.
We enter God’s house and
almost immediately we sense God’s presence.
We get refreshed, and encouraged, and then it is time to leave and take
His presence back with us into our homes, and into our daily lives. Be effective for God in your home or you will never
be effective out there.
I can’t fix you, but it is
your responsibility to get on your knees and repent, confess and get right with
Don’t take offence when you are
corrected by a brother or sister. Be
humble and listen and then it is your responsibility to decide if they are
right and if you need to make changes. Be willing to obey the Holy Spirit's leading.
(Pastor confesses,) It is not
always easy for me, because I am being processed just like you. There will always be a situation that arises.
Watch your attitude and reaction. Let’s
be real and become worthy examples of Jesus.
You are responsible for
yourself. Be willing to say, “I am
sorry, please forgive me.” Watch your
thoughts and your words.
Be bold to repent when you
realize you have sinned.
Philippians 2:7 Jesus humbled himself to leave heaven and become like us and then to die
for us.
must die to self. Put “self” on the back
burner and prefer one another giving them respect and honor.
your way unto God and tell Him, “God, I trust you.” No matter what happens, I trust you.
asks us to take up our cross and follow him daily. “Continue in my Word’s,” says Jesus.
desires to use you, and He is greater than your struggle.
is calling you to live for Him; It is your responsibility to answer His call.
Dear Hazel,
I hope you don't mind me commenting here. I've been trying to locate your email address to send you a free copy of my book as promised on Ifeoma's blog. Are you able to share it with me? You can email me at a.smit.seatter@gmail.com
I think it is one of our most important callings. To evangelize or make disciples.
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