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What can we learn from the life of Elijah? |
our Wednesday Prayer meeting, I prepared a lesson to consider what we can learn
from The Prophet Elijah. At times he was bold and at other times
fearful and uncertain, we have much to gain by observing him. God uses imperfect people and He can use YOU.
From the histories revealed
in the Bible we find principles that demonstrate the victory in the life of a
believer as well as defeat and recovery.
We first meet Elijah in 1 Kings chapter 17, as he makes a declaration to the
Evil King Ahab. “Because of your wicked
ways, God is sending a famine and no rain on the land. Immediately there was a draught in the land,
and Ahab sought to kill Elijah because he blamed the prophet and did not take
responsibility for his own sins.
God warned and protected
Elijah, hiding him by a brook for many days where he was fed by ravens bringing
him bread and meat every morning and night.
After a time, the brook dried
up, but God told him to go to a certain place and he would find a widow
woman. Elijah spoke to the widow boldly
and declared for her to make him a biscuit. She replied she only had enough
meal and oil for one cake for her and her son and then they would die.
You might think Elijah had no
pity, because he told her to make him a biscuit first. When the woman obeyed what Elijah asked of
her, a miracle happened and the barrel of meal and the jar of oil did not run
out and the three of them were able to eat for many months.
Know that God is in control
even when things look bleak. Keep your
eyes on Jesus and hold fast to God’s Word.
We next see Elijah as the
central character in a face-off with the prophets of the false god Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:17-40.)
Elijah boldly tells the false
prophets to build an altar, slay a sacrifice and the God who answers by fire is
the True God.” The prophets of Baal do this, and call upon their god Baal, dancing and shouting all day long but nothing
happens. Elijah makes fun of them, saying perhaps your god is asleep or on a journey !! Finally they give up.
Then Elijah builds an altar of stones, digs a ditch around it, puts
the sacrifice on the top of wood and calls for water to be poured over his
sacrifice three times to fill the trench.
Elijah calls upon Jehovah
God, and immediately God sends fire down from heaven, burns the sacrifice, the
wood, and licks up the water in the ditch. God proved He was more powerful than
any false god.
It was then that God instructed Elijah and his followers to kill
all of the false prophets of Baal.
Elijah is an illustration
that it is not the vessel but God IN the vessel that demonstrates power.
After the great victory over
the false prophets, Elijah prays and God sends rain once again to fall on the
land (1 Kings 18:41-46). However, Elijah hears that Ahab’s wife Jezebel has
made a vow to kill him; now Elijah feels sorry for him-self, hides in a cave,
is depressed, and even comes to believe that he was the only one left of the
prophets of God.
He took his eyes off God and looked at the situation.
When Elijah stopped focusing
on the fear of what men could do and his feelings of being the only one left,
He heard God’s voice, and soon after, Elijah went on to be taken up to heaven
in a whirlwind. (2 Kings 2:1-22)
Just as Elijah did, when the
believer focuses on the noise and the tumult of life in this world, we may get
our eyes off of Jesus. However, if we
listen for His still, small voice and walk in obedience to His Word, we find
victory and reward. Elijah was filled with human frailties yet he was used
mightily of God.
You too can be used by
God as you allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you.
God has not changed and today
we have access to the same power by the Holy Spirit for God to work through us.
(2 Corinthians 4:7).
As Elijah did, you can
prophesy, make decrees, and expect answers as you pray over your city, over
your family and loved ones.
I love how the Bible shows that even the heroes in the story are still human; facing fear and loneliness and disappointments. But God is always there ready to bring them out of their situation and deliver. Even us modern people can relate to that.
Elijah is indeed an inspiring man, as human as each of us, and yet used powerfully by the Lord. Great illustrations, and I think I love this quote best "Elijah is an illustration that it is not the vessel but God IN the vessel that demonstrates power." Have a blessed day!
I have loved Elijah, and when I'm in Heaven I sure want to see and meet him! It's always a great info piece re: him and how he's around and about for many people. Anyhow, thank you much for sharing this info!!! Bless you!!!
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