Friday, August 8, 2014

IRAQ Missionaries

 Kurdistan, N Iraq

Kurdistan, North Iraq

Grady and Becky Pickett are currently serving the Lord in the Northern mountainous regions of Iraq.  They are pastoring in Erbil and are reaching out to the Syrians in the refugee camps around them.  In the camps they have built playground equipment, given out blankets, rubber boots, gloves, rechargeable lanterns, vegetable seeds and the good news.
 They studied Arabic in Jordan for 2.5 years and have been in Iraq for over 4 years.  They have been in over 50 counties traveling and serving the Lord in various projects.

Doug Jones Rhema Alumni Director forwarded us this message below:

 Just received an email from Grady and Becky Pickett and felt led to send it your way. These precious dear ones are part of our Rhema family and have been in northern Iraq for many years.

As you know Iraqi Christians are being forced from their homes as we speak….As I read the Facebook posts from Grady's page and Becky's page and the email they sent out today I sense a continual increase of urgency in their correspondence.

I am requested three things of you:

1) Take time to read the email that they sent today, it is located below.

2) Click on this url to gain some insight as to what is going on over there now:

3) Pray

For more info about Missionary's Grady and Becky Pickett:

a) Located them on Facebook

b) Watch a recent video Grady made:

b) Visit their missionary profile within our Rhema Alumni Missionary Directory:

We are living in very important days, it is my prayer that we do not become so self-absorbed that we neglect to be touched with the infirmities of other believers throughout the world. Whether we like to admit it or not, not all Christians have life as soft as we who live in America.


 Doug Jones
RMAI National Director

Below is an E-Mail From Becky Pickett

Dear Friends,

Please join us in pleading the Blood of Jesus over our precious country of Iraq. Have you seen the news updates?

The terrorists have made more gains this week and even taken Kurdish territory and Christian & Yazidi towns.

(Christians are the religious minorities of Iraq and those who the terrorists vow to kill and destroy).

There has been a MASSIVE influx of refugees into our capital -- Erbil-- also spelled as Arbil-- and just today, the US finally came through with an airstrike against the terrorists actually not that far away.

Our area is front and center in the news. Yesterday, when the bad guys advanced into the Christian villages--that hurt.

To say they're 40 miles west of Erbil (our capital) is crazy! We're just 45 miles to the NE from Erbil.

The Iraqi Christians have fled the captured villages and the terrorists are pulling down the crosses, blowing up the churches (many centuries old).

They're doing what their father “Satan” likes to do: kill, steal, and destroy.

This city of Qaraqosh (Bagdayda) has been the ancestral homeland of Assyrians for millennia. An Assyrian identity has existed continuously since 3,000 BC and they speak a language evolved from Aramaic.

When I say "Shlama lokum" to my neighbors, I'm saying "peace to you" exactly as Jesus said it...

Thomas, Barthlomew, and Theodus came to Assyria and converted the Assyrians to Christianity in AD 33. It's also said that Peter came in AD 37.

The Christians of Iraq have stood strong for the Name of Jesus Christ through genocides against them every 2nd generation for 1,600 years.

That is worth a lot to Jesus and I know He remembers the martyrs and their losses and holds them in his tender palms.

On a personal note, the Christians of Iraq have been so very kind and generous to our family....helping us to be here, securing our visas, etc...

We are asking you for your prayers for the precious people of Iraq.

Thank you for your friendship for the Gospel's sake.

 Grady and Becky Pickett




Lynn said...

Have added this precious family and their prayer requests to my list. To God be the glory.

Gayle said...

I have been reading the horrific news, and I can't even imagine such horror. I am praying daily for the dear people in those regions, and certainly for the Pickett family. Americans better wake up and pray like never before.

Floyd said...

I'm definitely praying...

Anonymous said...

Manistique Harbor Pentecostal Church,we are all praying for you and all fellow christians,this to shall pass,,,,,