Friday, January 9, 2015

A Separation of the Past and Present

Does the New Year bring with it change and questions
about God's direction for your Life? 
You are not alone.

Prophesy by guest Phyllis Ford, Arlington, TX

A Separation of the Past and Present

A line of separation is being drawn between your past (2014) and your now (2015). Now is the time to turn from the past recognizing that it can no longer limit your present nor hinder your future. Walk in the moment and embrace the future that is before you. This is a significant time in your life and you owe this time everything you have in order to proceed into the manifestation that awaits you.

Let go of past frustrations and don't allow them to marginalize you, delay you, or hold you back from achieving the fulfillment of the coming promises. Look with eyes of great expectancy. This is not a year for the disappointments of your past to be entangled with what is before you. What you prepare for will be measured by what you do, what you say, and how you see it.

A Fresh Mindset

God is releasing a pattern for a mindset that will impact how we achieve based on how we perceive. By allowing our past mindset to rule present thinking, we limit our future and become a great hindrance to our ability to access newly present possibilities. We must have an outlook that carries renewed faith and the momentum to blaze new trails and open new doors.

The uniqueness of this time will call forth a new day anointing that can create new atmospheres around us. As a result, sweeping changes will show themselves in the face of limited circumstances, but our connecting to the plumb line of His Spirit will transform us in the presence of His glory.

The old guard of religious systems that has dictated in the past will no longer have jurisdictional authority over today's people, whether it be political, financial, or otherwise. Personal circumstances and even the way things have been in times past are now rapidly changing.
Those who have waited and endured will see the harvest of seeds planted and the results of the prayers that watered the process.



caryjo said...

HMM! Got me thinkin'. That's a good thing. Life has changed so much, so often. I'm sure focusing on anything around and about our world and the timing we're dealing with. Thanks for sharing.

Michelle said...

`Those who have waited and endured will see the harvest of seeds planted and the results of the prayers that watered the process.`

So true!!