Saturday, December 6, 2014

Are You Shy2

Shy Girl

 As a young child in school, my face would turn beet red when ever I was called on by the teacher.  I respected adult leadership almost to the point of being afraid to speak out. 

My shyness extended into High School, and I wanted an A in Geometry, but my teacher informed the class that she only gave A's to those who would raise their hands and explain the answer to the problem we had that day.  I did my best, but in her opinion it was not good enough, and she gave me a B+ on my report card.   

The next day, I called my teacher to my desk and quietly but outright told her that I deserved an A and she was in error to give me less.  For “shy me” that was risky business.  

As far as I knew, no one else complained, but my words flustered her a bit.  She told me to speak up more which I did, and at the end of the semester she relented and gave me an A as my final grade.  

I have outgrown my shyness, and with God’s help I am no longer afraid to speak out. 

Usually I have found it best to delay and not to speak in haste or in anger.  Often I wait until God says, NOW, usually the next day.  While waiting I ask our Lord, what exactly should I say? 

The Holy Spirit begins to formulate a plan of words and when I follow the script that He gives to me, and there is no offence.  

One or two Sundays a month I share one of my very short stories with a message at my church, and I aim to express them as I am led.   One recent Sunday, my story may have been considered unusual to some, but as I finished all I could see were smiles. 

My hope is that the needed words are heard and received in their spirit.  

If you are shy, just ask God, “What do I say next?”  He will give you His words to say.
Yes, Lord - Just Tell Me What to Say !


elizabeth said...

I had a super shy daughter who has allowed God to help her overcome and be a voice for Him, too!

caryjo said...

As usual, what you said truly fit into you. You have been a treat and a learner and a helper for many, MANY years. I understood what you were going through. AND I couldn't have done the Geometry nearly as well as you.l. Got so confused, b/c I rarely had a chance to follow through well enough, b/c of family situations. But, as usual, ya dun good and ya shared well. Thank you.

Jean Wise said...

I really like how you take a trait like shyness and as an adult use it as a gift, a strength. That is wonderful wisdom!