Friday, December 26, 2014

Good Bad and the Ugly


Our Christmas was a blessed time with family that were able to come to our home.  Our Daughter and Son-in-law in Southern California, enjoyed their adult girls home for Christmas, so we missed them.  Connie was still healing from her back surgery, so she had a quiet Christmas planned at her home.  Nancy and Randy had family from afar and near as they live many miles away from us.

Our other daughter and family and our son and family minus oldest son Blake, were able to be with us. 

Son Steve, grandson Max, Daughter - law Debbie and Blake on the computer
A highlight was when our grandson Blake was able to Skype us a greeting to and chat for almost an hour while he is on his LDS mission in Texas.

He told of their first stop in Utah, where they had two weeks training and a boy from Sudan shared their room.  The first night the boy laid on the floor and they told him to select a bed.  He said, “I have never slept in a bed.”  The next morning the boys asked him how he slept, and he said, “I never had such a good sleep in all of my life.”  The boy could also not believe all the food ready for them at breakfast.

How blessed we are (most of us) to have a nice bed with warm covers, and a refrigerator and pantry full of nourishing food.  May we give God praise!


Just Smoke Left
This morning, I walked out to get the paper and mail, and noticed across the street what looked like someone burning leaves.  On further inspection, I discovered it was our neighbor’s mobile home on fire with flames shooting high into the air. 
The tree next to the home was about to catch on fire as well. 
I asked some people standing there, if the fire department had been notified, and the woman replied, “Yes, they are on the way.”

A few minutes later a car arrived and a fireman with some special clothing exited and asked a gentleman to help him open the gate.  The renter’s car was gone, and it appeared no one was home.

The fireman took photos with his cell phone and sent it to our News Paper.  Here is the story:

Where's the Hydrant?
Shortly a fire truck appeared and the firemen did not know where the nearest hydrant was located.  We told him it was on the corner (very close by.) 
The firemen decided the mobile was a total loss and to use this fire as a learning experience.  - - (No comment)


There is no ugly - - except to think perhaps our firemen need to learn where the hydrants are especially if there is another fire in our neighborhood.  :-)

Just Saying !


Joy said...

Seems that life is like that although it is Christmas. Bad things and good things happen. Good to be reminded to be thankful no matter what and trust God for the rest.
Merry Christmas to you Hazel and your family.)

caryjo said...

You had a lot on your plate... both filled with friendship and rejoicing and sorrowful challenging. Thank you for sharing here and on FB re: the fire. Been on my heart. You are a blessing to many... many times. As I said, Thank you.