Sunday, April 26, 2015

Father, Son, and Holy Bible???

"Father, Son, and Holy Bible???"

Guest Mark Virkler, Cheektowaga, NY, via Elijah List

Mark and Patti Virkle
Does the Church Have a Problem With the Holy Spirit?

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:25 NKJV

Since the historical Church has minimized the role of the Holy Spirit, and replaced living by the Spirit (see Galatians 5:25) with living by the Bible, we need to restore Him to His rightful place in our lives.

Note the first part of the "Apostles' Creed" below [used by much of the Western Church for centuries], (source:

- I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth.

- I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into Heaven and is seated on the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

- I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Church...

Notice that those who wrote this creed have absolutely nothing to say about the Holy Spirit other than He exists!
Is the Bible itself really that silent about the Holy Spirit, or do we have a problem here? (Photo via Pixabay)

Well, we have written an entire book in which we guide the reader in looking up every Scripture verse about the Holy Spirit, and journaling about it, with the goal of discovering WHO HE IS and what He does and how we are to relate and interact with Him. This book is called Intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

I have condensed the five-page summary prayer at the end of the book (pages 209-214), to the following simple prayer you can hang on your mirror and pray every morning and evening:

Holy Spirit, come.
I come to You.
I welcome You.
I will not grieve You.
I look to see You, and You show me Your perspective.
You give me Your thoughts.
You tell me what's on the heart of God.
I feel You.
You release God's emotions within me.
You guide me.
You anoint my lips, my mind, my heart, my hands.
You make me creative.
You sanctify me for my life's work.
You release Your personality through me.
You release in me the power to be holy.
You release the power of God to me.
Let Your words flow through me.
Authenticate Your words with Your power.
You take me away...
Holy Spirit, come

How to Remove the Number One Block to a Prophetic Lifestyle: Value the Holy Spirit

(Photo by Linda Harris-Iorio "Keeper of the Flame"
Wouldn't this be a good time to prayerfully explore every verse in the Bible on the Holy Spirit? This would allow you to discover all that He desires to do for you. Also, you will learn how you can effectively interact with Him every day, all day, thus ascending to your Biblically commanded posture of living and walking by the Spirit (see Galatians 5:25).
You will be allowing the God of Scripture to guide your daily walk rather than displacing Him with a book He has written which describes other people's experiences with Him.

I love what Pastor Bill Johnson says, "It's hard to have the same fruit as the early Church when we value a book they didn't have above the Holy Spirit they did have.

What are your insights on Holy Spirit and your experiences with Him? Let your testimony bless others and encourage them in their walk in the Spirit!

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