Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Personal Prayer for You to Pray Over Yourself

A Personal Prayer for You to Pray Over Yourself
Father God, I pray that You energize ME today.  Envelope ME with Your constant Presence.  Direct Me  - I want to seek Your face and then hear Your heart about all the daily things I face. 

Use ME to reach out to those who need the Good News and who need deliverance from darkness in their lives.   Let the Hope that I already possess spread to others through the love and care that I can share. Let me make sure they are ministered to and know how much YOU love them. 

I thank You that You provide ME with a re-definition of purpose wherever it is needed. Harden ME as strong steel.  Let Me not waiver.  I want to have my feet planted and my mind focused.  Let  every word that comes from MY mouth,  and every thought that I give place to,  be acceptable to You.   

Help me to be acutely aware of the nudging of The Holy Spirit.  Help me, Father, to make any course adjustments necessary.  Let MY mission be clear and uncluttered. Help me to recognize distractions and let me not be their victim. 

Give ME the ability to communicate well.  I know I need Your help to quickly be able to set aside anything that gets in the way.  Help me to do it without dragging my feet.  Help me to do it without regrets.  I do not want to keep looking back to what I hoped could be or what “used to be.” 

Since Truth is not what I think it is, but it is what You say it is, I need Your ability to embrace this fully.   I want to walk in Holiness!  I want You to work through me!  I know that those things which are valued by the world do not always lend to the Righteous Life that You desire for me.  Help me not to make compromises or exceptions but to stand firm in my convictions. 

Lord, as  I develop in your Grace let me be strong in YOU and in the Power of Your Might!  Show ME exactly how to put on The Whole Armor so that I am well able to withstand the rough patches in life and still be able to affect others for YOUR Glory!  Thank you!

In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen
This prayer was sent to me by my daughter, Nancy Schneider Kehr.

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