Saturday, May 15, 2010

Post Office FIX

Today is a guest blog from my husband Robert. See his other articles at:

Hardly anyone approves of the decision to close the Marysville,California, mail processing facility. Trying to convince seven northern California counties that their mail service will not be impacted is nonsense and unacceptable.

Once this move is accomplished there will be no returning to the service we once had.

The problem amounts to lack of management skills in running the postal system. I suggest Management resign instead of firing most all of the workers in Marysville.

The postal service has been in a decline for years due to poor management. It was all too evident that the Internet, Fed Ex and UPS were going to take away their customers, because the post office has not changed with the times.

We in California and all other States deserve to have decent mail service.

I have one suggestion for a temporary trial method to help this situation. That is to sell advertisements, on all envelopes, stamps and any thing else they provide, for a fee. Would it help? Who knows? Would some law need to be changed? Well do it.

We must admit that the Post Office has great potential for advertising. I would like to hear alterative ideas. Soon we will be paying double what we pay now for our postal service. That makes it a problem for concern. This fix will cost us little and perhaps bring a profit to the Post office.

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