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Why Was She So Angry? |
She was very disturbed and offended about one of her fellow Christian friends who had said some remarks about her living with her lover for many years without the benefit of marriage.
In anger she said, “I am a
'committed Christian,' and my lover and I are so much in love and have been for a
good many years, and I can’t believe how cruel and horrible my Christian ‘friend’
was with her unkind criticism of my way of life.”
I was amazed as her
co-workers quickly rallied around her in defense of her errant lifestyle. They agreed with her that some Christians are
clueless about this Hip generation and are simply hateful. They all attempted to justify what they knew in their hearts was wrong.
As I contemplated why the
complication of these two precious lives had not found a solution to arrange a wedding
it baffled me.
Financially, and
emotionally a marriage would improve her situation, plus it would be an example
to others who wondered if “Christians” (or anyone) living together outside of Marriage
was okay if you merely declared your love for the person.
It was not my place at this
time to preach, but only to observe. I
questioned to myself, “Why is she so
angry at hearing “Truth.”
Then I was reminded about
Jesus when he spoke truth; it infuriated the Scribes and Pharisees. They were so enraged at the ministry of Jesus
that they hated him and planned how they might kill him.
Then as I continued to ponder
“Why was she so
hopping mad at hearing truth from her ‘Christian’ friend?” another
thought occurred to me.
It was the story of Jesus and
the woman caught in adultery brought to Him for stoning. He wrote in the sand (was it the sins of the
accusers?) and then he said the words, “He that is without sin let him cast the
first stone.”
What to do? We all are guilty of some sort of past sin
and I certainly was not in a position to cast any stones, so my duty is to pray
for my friend that she and her lover of many years will seek wisdom and find a lawful
solution to their obvious problem.
least it was obvious to me;
and also to her Christian Friend. J
Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction. - - 2 Timothy 4:2
Judie says, I enjoyed the story and it made me smile!
That's the wisdom the lost can't see and the ones who know Truth are trying to bury it in their justification... there is no justifying our shortcomings or wrong choices, or sin. You handled it perfectly... I've a hunch she already knew your position and you heaped coals on her head with silence and true love.
Who knows....maybe her friend was sent by God to "say" something. However, the timing, the place and the delivery are also very important. Everybody is a Christian these days, don't you know. I've been dealing with someone for several years about her and her fiance's relationship. They have changed churches a few times - I imagine because of their lifestyle. She told me that they could get married because her fiance's Ex would then be able to come against them and get a portion of my friend's house - or something like that. Every time things would go wrong ( and LOTS did) , she would beg me to pray. I told her that I would. At first God did wonders. Later - nothing happened. I had to tell her that HE was waiting for HER to step up and do what is right. Our sin prevents God from entering into our situations. It has been 5 years of coming to me with issues. She finally got a clue and they are getting married soon. things are shaping up nicely for both of them. I didn't brow beat her, but I never held back the truth either.
I think it is a great example to share here and agree with Floyd's comment. So often people are very aware of their sin and don't always need us to point it out but to know that we are praying for them and walking with them, loving them as God does. :)
It seems to me that the world is getting angrier all the time. People are so quick-triggered. And I think we're never more angry than when we're wrong about something. Do we try to hide our wrongness with being louder and louder? Yes, sometimes I think we do.
Ah, the infamous tongue that gets us into so much trouble. No wonder God taught us about the importance of taming this flaming weapon. May God do these three things: 1) Teach us when to speak up, 2) Teach us when to be silent, and 3) Give us the right words at the right time, and the ability to say them rightly.
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