Sunday, March 12, 2017

Hunger and Thirst After God


Pastor Rodney was preaching today at Open Door Church, and from my notes I present an edited sermon.

Pastor Rodney thanked the people for their love shown during his time of sorrow from his mother passing on to glory.  At the funeral, he told how he could have shared some stories, but instead he chose to bring a message of Hope, as to how those present could be sure that they would see Mom again.  He presented a simple plan of salvation for those at the memorial.

In this world there is a lot of fear, pain and sickness, and we can’t help ourselves and are helpless without God.  Although his Mom was Pastor’s hero and his rock, and always one he could find solace, he urged us to rely on the Holy Spirit to be our solid rock and constant comforter.

We get so busy and wrapped up in doing stuff; that we forget to make room for God.  It is God who will touch our spirits and enlighten us with knowledge to make wise choices.

Some things just don’t make sense but we need to learn to trust God. 

Exodus chapter 33 is the story of Moses.  He saw a bush that was on fire, but it was not burnt up. As he approached, a voice from the bush told him that he would deliver the children of Israel from Egypt.  Moses knew the Israelites were a stiff necked people and deserved to be destroyed, but he agreed to do as God said.  He declared, I will go but only if you go with me, because I can’t do this on my own.  In our own strength, we will fail, we need God every day.

Do we desire a place where the presence of God is?  Where miracles happen?  For this to happen, we must be hungry for more because there is always more.  We must invite the presence of God and welcome His supernatural manifestations.

When our hero dies, what do we do now?  The disciples felt defeat when Jesus died, and even were difficult to convince that he was truly alive.  Jesus proved to them he was risen, and told them that he must leave but He was sending a comforter and they should seek God’s face and invite His presence in the upper room.

God knows all about you and there are no secrets hidden from God.  He knows you better than anybody, and He actually has good plans for you as you seek Him.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

So many of us are satisfied with second hand experiences, those read in a book, or magazine, or stories told from the pulpit.  Let us seek God for first hand experiences and encounters with our God. 
Make it your desire to hunger and thirst after His face and to seek His presence in your daily life.

Moses was so close to God that his face shone making it necessary for him to wear a veil because the people could not look at him.

Some are fearful what others will say or think about them if they surrender completely to God.

Don’t worry what others say and do, but come to God because he loves you unconditionally.

I invite you to come and have a time of prayer at the altar.

Many came to the front and there was a sweet presence of the Lord.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Second hand experiences". Well said! It's easy and lazy to let other people catch fish or follow God for us, but it's not the same as the blessing that comes from the action. Great reminder.