Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shower Caps for Food Bowls

Old Fashioned Bowl Covers Make Sense

Prior to Tupperware, Rubber Maid, Cling Wrap and Zip Lock containers,  my mother used an old fashioned item to protect our left over food.  They came as a set of see through covers with an elastic band to hold them on the bowl.  Various sizes made it simple to use for just about any left over foodstuff.  Since they were washable they could be used over and over again.

When I did a google search of these unusual items, I was surprised to find that they are still for sale and that many who watched their mothers use them and vowed that they would never do so, are happily bringing  back the vogue.

It is easy to look through these clear plastic covers and distinguish what is hidden inside.

Sometimes forgetting to remove food out of the refrigerator in time, results in an unpleasant discovery.

When God looks at people, he does not judge them by their outward appearance, but he looks inside to see what might be hidden in their heart.

Many times God is pleased to find their inward appearance more beautiful than their outward features. The desires and motives are all known to the Lord whether right or wrong.

Other times God views rotten smelly ugly thoughts all hidden from the view of other people but they are inward care and worries. Perhaps plans for evil and not for good.

The heart can often harbor ill will, grudges, unforgiveness, shame and even regret that can fester and leave repulsive garbage on the soul.

Perhaps it is time to admit to God that there may be things have been covered long enough and it is time to allow Him to do some deep cleaning on the inside.

If this is the case, permit Him to come inside, because He can do a complete renovation.

1 Samuel 16:7 For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.

Psalms 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.


Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

You are sharing another lovely post as usual, Hazel. I like your knack for turning any daily life detail, like a shower cap, into a wonderful lesson about God. Your congregation must have been very lucky.

carla said...

I'm afraid that the description of the forgotten bowl of food in the refrigerator is sometimes an apt description of my heart.

Thanks for the reminder.