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After reading some of the artful, lovely posts by those who seem to flow in flowery language, we often weigh ourselves against them and think less or our own endeavors.
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Yes, we often feel small and discouraged because we compare ourselves with others.
That includes me too, but then - - I remind myself that we are all DIFFERENT, and our ministry is not the same as theirs or others. We must remember that we are individuals and no two of us are alike.
Each of us will reach those who God allows us to touch. Our earthy attempts may not seem as perfect as some, (or even to us) - - but to that right person, it will strike a cord that will encourage, challenge and bless.
We hear those words of disappointment, failure, inferiority often only in our own mind!
Some heard it audibly when they were a child from unthinking persons who themselves found it necessary to feel BIG by causing others to consider themselves SMALL.
The thing we must remember is that that the Father of liars, old Satan himself tells us lies through others, and even by input into our thinking. We need to catch that lie and understand it for what it is. NOT TRUE, and replace that lie with God’s word – the truth.
We must at all times remember that Truth is in God’s word, and He always says that we are chosen, we are forgiven, we are loved, we are special, and we are a success In Him.
We have got to depend on the Lord for our inspiration, and allow Him to give us thoughts and memories to share our stories with others. Then do not fear, but in boldness speak and write and set out to BE what God tells you that you are.
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Just go with God and BE what he says to BE. Forget about those who receive your words as they travel out to your audience, and let the chips fly and land where they may.
God knows what he is doing through you, and you are only the messenger.
One thing to remember is that God is NOT disappointed in you. He believes in YOU.
This post is linked to Peter Pollock’s One Word
The word is; FAILURES
God must be trying to reinforce a point with me. I wrote about the same subject last week and earlier this evening read about how it's unwise to compare ourselves to others.
I love how you pointed out that we are called to be disciples not to do discipleship. I never thought of it that way, but I know I can get so caught up in activities that I miss the point spiritually.
Thanks for sharing what was on your heart!
OH...I so get you. I am not a 'writer' and often get discouraged when I read eloquently written posts. But, I just pray that God will shine through me and I try to be who he wants me to be. Thank you for this.
Thank you for linking with On Your Heart Tuesday.
Comparison is such an awful trap to fall into. Just the other day I was lamenting to a friend about blog stats or something like that. He then turned around and reminded me of all of the things that have happened so far. It's good to have a realistic view so we know areas where we can improve, but it's easy to turn that around into "I suck because I'm not as good as..."
Great reminder and so important to remember that God isn't disappointed in us.
Bless you for this heart felt, truthful post.
Each of our writing will touch others in different ways. We need to continue to follow God's leading and not get discouraged, and let Him use it to speak to those He knows need to hear it.
Stopped over from Shanda's and really enjoyed your post today!
In Christ,
I absolutely love the fact that we are all so different. Yet in the end we are family. I am not me without you now... Maybe you are not you without all of us. It is us He calls you to speak to. I, and I know we, are encouraged, challenged, and blessed to read and share your words and life. I know that this is post for others, but I want you to know... You're all that and a bag of chips! That's pretty good right? I'll bet your husband would agree with me... He and I were cut from the same mold....
Your words have a simple way that God uses to cut to the heart... I'm honored to have my heart bleed here...
Oh this is so true; we are all unique with gifts from God, with our own special beauty and values to give to life! If we don't look in our hearts and understand and accept who God intended for us to really be, then we can't love ourselves the way God distinctively created us. :)
Your writing inspires me and warms my heart! :)
Blessings and hugs,
I totally agree! So often we tend to compare ourselves to others and to others accomplishments. But as you wrote above, God created us all differently. We are unique creatures that fit together into the body of Christ. I've thought about writings styles as well, and wondered about mind. But, I am reminded that when God's word is sent out, it ALWAYS produces fruit! Praise God! He will bring whomever needs to hear the words we write. We just need to trust Him. Blessings Hazel!
My pastor once said that we cannot compare ourselves to other people, we have to compare ourselves to our old selves. That's how we can see the work that the Lord in doing in us, and we don't feel disappointed or envious of our brothers and sisters.
Blessings, Hazel!
I remember the Lord telling me the same thing about my greeting cards. Each time I would draw, the "art" didn't seem good enough. I was always starting over, until one day the Holy Spirit spoke to me about uniqueness.... from then on...I just did My best and strove to improve. Same with my writing. Thanks for the encouragement.
What you said is exactly what I'm walking through. I For instance, not long ago the Lord called me to put more on blog and FB. I thought I'd do more, be more, help more, etc. Instead, it's simply to do what the Lord asks me to do... the results are up to Him and I need to trust HIM not ME!!! Thanks.
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