Sunday, November 25, 2012

Alpha and the Omega

Alpha and the Omega
Revelations 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

Gleaning from Pastor Jerry’s sermon as he ministered and proclaimed that today is; “Christ the King Sunday”

It is the last Sunday in ordinary time before Advent begins next week.

The ending, and the beginning.  An ending often comes before the new can begin.

Christ the King Sunday was declared by Pope in 1925.   Seven years prior the armistice was signed on November 11th ending World War I.

Approaching was the depression, failure of banks and the stock market.  There seemed to be no ending of terror and atrocities.

What do American Christians do?  We elect Presidents and Leaders but we do not elect a King.  Yet we are interested in Royalty, their weddings, births and their scandals.

Much of our literature has to do with British royalty, Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses.  Ideally we can relate to monarchy, and “Happily ever After” stories.

However they are not a model for Christ the King.  Our divine Jesus came not to exploit his followers but to serve and to save the lost. 

Jesus gave us two signposts: 

1.  In the Beatitudes, to go the second mile - - A powerful way of silent resistance.
2.  That He was the Alpha and the Omega – The beginning and the end.

Jesus was a threat to the Jewish leaders and they wanted to do away with him.

When Pilot asked Jesus if he was a king, Jesus replied, “you say I am a king, but my kingdom is not of this world.”

No other has ever been a just ruler, not even famous King David or King Solomon, who both failed at times.

Today we view the end of one season and the beginning of another. 

Spiritually we can experience new beginnings daily. 

Jesus came not to be served, but to be a servant.  May we go forth and do likewise.

This post is Linked with Charlotte’s Spiritual Sundays


1 comment:

Charlotte said...

So amazing, He came to be a King and yet was a servant. What a blessing - almost too great to comprehend. Thank you for sharing this post. Congrats on being #501. We're now on our way to 1000 and you are leading the way after 500.