Monday, April 5, 2010

Betrayal Can Make you Mad

The morning was bright and it was a good day for installing new roofs. The trucks were loaded and only one more detail needed attending. My husband left the yard and ran up the stairs planning to enter the office for a quick note.

Almost in mid-air, he stopped his stride, as he heard the voice of the Lord speak so clearly, “Go back to the yard and fire your cousin Jock.”

WOW, he thought to himself, “What is that all about?”

Without hesitation, he ceased his flight into the office and returned to the yard. In a voice quick and unwavering he requested Jock to step out of the truck.

“Jock, I do not know what this is all about, but the Lord just spoke to me and said to let you go, so take you tools and leave; you are fired.”

No questions were asked by Jock, it was as if he already knew and we were to soon discover.

Within a few days we received a telephone call from a lady telling us that the roof we had recently installed for her was leaking. We had no record of this installation! It appeared that on the week ends, our trusted cousin was using his access to our yard and working on the side for his own profit. He was using our truck, our contracts, our materials, collecting the payments, and all without our knowledge. The Lord was kind to us and put a stop to it!

In life there are many forms of betrayal. Perhaps the worse kind is that of a beloved relative or friend. Wounded souls strive to recover from the effect of damage from unfaithful spouses, cheating fiancées, abusive parents, rape, drug and alcohol abuse and a list too numerous to name. The effects of betrayal ripple through the entire family as they are all injured in the holocaust.

Disloyalty from a person who was admired, idolized and loved is so very difficult to fathom. Where is relief for those aching from such treachery? Where is there a solace for the deeply hurt?

In his final hours prior to the crucifixion, Jesus was betrayed with a kiss by one of his closest disciples, Judas. A short time later, his beloved Peter, denied knowing Jesus and to prove his rejection, cursed Jesus. Then at last all the disciples fled in terror, leaving Jesus alone, abandoned and betrayed. About that time, Jesus took on himself all the sins of the world on his body, including your sins and mine. His Heavenly father could not bear to look at Jesus and darkness covered the earth. To have His Heavenly Father turn His back on our Lord, intensified Jesus’ anguish and suffering. It was simply too much.

In our human aching, we may desire to blame God for the failures of our loved ones. We may even end up cursing God because we hurt so horribly. We might even say, “Oh yes, they knew perfectly well what they were doing and I will pay them back by punishing them in my own way.”

What was the reaction of Jesus to all this mental, emotional and physical rejection? Finally His words rang out, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Forgiveness may not change the circumstances, but forgiveness frees up the forgiver. It begins a healing process that may have been long needed.
The persons who have done the wrong deeds will do doubt suffer a lengthy and lingering regret. Ultimately, they will experience the consequences of their actions.

If you are hurting and angry today from betrayal, kneel at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to take you in his arms. He understands it all, and He loves you very much!! Then, permit the gentle Jesus to show you His love and forgiveness for your own rebellion and betrayal.

This post is linked to Peter Pollocks One Word Carnival

The word is Mad:

Please check out my new Blog Party "Tuesdays Tell Me a True Story" 


Helen said...

Yes. He suffered more than we ever could. He understands pain.

Alise said...

Great post. Betrayal can be so hard for me because I treasure relationships so highly. I pour a LOT of myself out into those that I consider to be close, and when that is betrayed, it cuts me soooo deeply. There was one relationship in particular that I still struggle with forgiveness because of the wounding received. But you're right - when I choose forgiveness, it heals ME. Maybe not the relationship, but at least me.

TC Avey said...

Forgiveness is so hard to do, but if Jesus did it (and does it) then we can too. The key, like you said, is doing it through the power of God.

When we feel like we are alone, we only have to remember Jesus knows everything we feel.

caryjo said...

Amazing how the Lord said the right thing to you at the right moment and it was obeyed! Most people would think their brains were just operating in overtime and they'd have to think about it for a while, check things out. This "obedience" was a real godly-oriented act. I hope the cousin gradually restored relationships, both family and business.

And, of course, the rest of your sharing is true, also. Jesus was forced to face "madness" in a way most of us couldn't imagine, let alone live through.