Tuesday, July 20, 2010

“I Want You,” Says the Sign!

It was just like the sign with Uncle Sam pointing and saying, “I want you!” I stood in front of a group of teenagers who had visited our church the previous Sunday, and, with emphasis, I told them I wanted to see them in my Sunday school class next week.

I knew these kids were friends with my children. They were rough around the edges, but were eager to learn more about God. They were there the next Sunday!

The illustrations used during the class were practical and helpful. I can see their faces now! With a steady hand, I poured some nice fresh water into a mayonnaise jar that was not entirely empty. While shaking the jar, I asked the kids who would like a drink of this nice fresh water that I had just poured in the jar. What - - NO takers!!

The example illustrated that a fresh believer in Christ just cannot mix with the world and still come out clean. There are friends who would like to drink the living water that you offer, but if you have tainted your testimony, they will not accept your version of Jesus.

Each week, the Lord would give me visual aids, not from a book, but directly from Him, to share with the class. These simple illustrations made impressions, and could be easily remembered. My challenge to them was to receive Jesus, and to live for him always.

The kids knew we loved them and that our home was always open. Sometimes they would just show up at our house! One young fellow, who wanted to look nice for church the next day, dropped in, - - for a haircut! With my daughter’s help, we managed to give him a great cut along with a dose of encouragement.

Cake or cookies were always on hand at my home! Kids loved treats, and the bonding experience of sharing food made a lasting impression. Jesus enjoyed fellowshipping and eating with his friends! During these times, He taught and used many practical illustrations to demonstrate who God is, and how to live.

Today, during our quiet times of fellowship with Him, we feast on His Word. On a personal level, Jesus is still giving us earthly examples of who He is and how we should live and serve Him.

Daily, we can be drawn into that inner place of rest with Him. Hear Jesus saying, “Come unto me, ‘I Want YOU!”

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.


Unknown said...

Oh wow what a great visual...the mayonaise jar? I remember so well if I see it, many are like that I believe. Then the snackes just make it better! :-) Great message. You are still teaching Hazel and I am thankful...Vicki

Anonymous said...

Hello Hazel, I met you today on Pogo and through your profile came to your blog. You are amazing just like our lord. When I'm feeling lonely I always go to God for comfort. Thank you Hazel, it's people like you that God uses on a day to day bases. Susan (Teddybear6904_)