Monday, November 29, 2010

Dogs Days!

Two of our dogs usually have brown noses, reason being, because they dig in our yard a lot.

Our older Lab, Buck keeps his nose clean because he usually watches; and when the other two discover a mole, old Buck grabs it right quick.

One day recently, my husband, Bob heard a great big commotion, and taking a paper towel he was hoping to retrieve what ever it was. There was Old Buck carrying this mole in his mouth. Buck was not about to give it up, and soon it disappeared from sight. Uggg, but that is the way it is with dogs.

This morning, our dogs were again having another hullabaloo, so out went my husband to investigate what all the fuss was about.

My husband, discovered an injured small hawk hopping around in our yard.  Old dog Buck went to the bird and almost tenderly put it into his mouth.  Bob was there in time to rescue it, and place it on the other side of our fence.  Off it went, hopefully to recover and get better.

This time of year, we are to think of others, those who are hurting, the poor, and afflicted.

There are agencies in each of our neighborhoods that can use volunteers, either as helpers or making contributions with money or supplies.

Your church or organization may be one that helps others. Do get involved in some way, always remembering the Bible story of the good man who stopped in the road to help a wounded person, someone he did not know and was not of his race and religion.

Luke 10:34 And the Good Samaritan went to the injured man, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

Love the Lord.  Love your fellow man, and do not forget to even love yourself.

Luke 10:27 And Jesus answered and said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and your neighbor as yourself.”

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