Tuesday, October 16, 2012


This post is linked to Peter Pollock’s One Word Carnival
The word is: Ornate

Ornate Hooks
courtesy photobucket.com

Our church denomination had purchased an old hotel in down town Oakland, in the mid 1960’s, and after renovation, they opened up a Rescue Mission, and a thrift store.

Along with other women, I volunteered once a month to work at the thrift shop.  The churches would bring clothing and items to sell at the store to help the mission.

One day the Pastor in charge told me they were going to haul to the dump some old dressers.  Knowing the value of “old” I told him please don’t do that because we can sell them and make some money for the mission. 

The Pastor was so happy with the idea that he invited me upstairs to view the dressers and to select one that I might like for my daughter. 

Arriving upstairs, immediately I eyed an old Oak Wash-stand and an Oak Coat-rack and asked him if I could purchase these along with a couple of small tables.  We agreed on an amount and I called my husband to bring his big truck because I had discovered a “find.”

All the furniture needed to be refinished, and the coat rack was missing the ornate hooks to hang the hats and coats on.

Searching the yellow pages, I made a phone call to a store in San Francisco that specialized in decorative and ornate hooks, clasps and fasteners of all types. 

I needed four matching brass decorative hooks that would blend with the coat tree and would look “old.”

The manager of the store assured me that he had just the right item that would please me.

That week we had company visiting us from Georgia, so I invited them to drive with me to San Francisco and we would also visit Golden Gate Park and also go to the beach. 

Naturally they were excited for we would enjoy the day and I would have my prize.

The hooks were beautiful and although the price was a bit more than expected, I willingly paid the man and was very happy and joyful to have just the right ornate hooks for my furniture.

God loves ornate and decorative items, which was evident when he ordered the temple to be dressed with, integrate gold carvings.  Also the priest’s garments were to be decorated with ornate pomegranates with bells and tassels. 

God’s house should be beautiful and lovely, and a little ornate goes a long way!

This post is also Linked with Jen’s Soli Deo Gloria
Don't forget to visit Peter Pollock’s One Word Carnival



Henry Neufeld said...

A nice, positive twist on "ornate" and good temple reference. We don't think of that part of the Old Testament worship all that often.

Carol said...

Nice story. I liked your reference to God's house as described in the Old Testament. Currently I am studying the books of Ezra & Haggai that record the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem.

Floyd said...

Those are the best pieces! I love ornate. Looking at the spectacular sunset tonight makes it obvious that you're right, God does too!