Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Wise and the Foolish

Sand Castles Don't Last

I was gleaning from Pastor Jerry’s Sunday Sermon as he read from Matthew 7:21-28, regarding the parable of the Foolish and the Wise builders.

Jesus had been holding a seminar that no doubt lasted more than one or two days. 

It was his sermon on the mount, where he addressed many problems of the day, such as anger, murder, judging, greed, unforgiveness, adultery, worry, and sharing with the needy,

Jesus concluded his teachings with the parable of two builders, one foolish man who took the easy method to build his house on the sand, and the wise man who built his house on the solid rock.

Pastor was reminded of the song we may have all sung as children, with motions for the storm, wind and rain, and portraying these two builders. We sang: “And the house on the rock stood firm.”  And with glee we all shouted, “And the house on the sand went SMASH.”

The warning Jesus gave was to not just listen to good teaching, but to allow it to enter into our spirit and then to put it into action.  Not to just be a hearer of the Word, but to be a Doer.

Pastor admitted that there have been times in his life when he was wise, and other times when he was foolish; perhaps a balance of the two.  Maybe we all have been guilty of the same thing.

Jesus grew up in the home of a carpenter and he was aware of what went into building a solid good house.  There was not to be any slip shod easy way to build a sturdy house. 

The same wise planning goes with a spiritual life.  We need to prepare a good strong foundation with the Scriptures, and a spiritual experience of settling in our heart who we will serve.

Is there a safe place to build?  Some people like to build a house with a view, perhaps on a cliff, or on the beach, or even in the path of a tornado.  This is the easy way to satisfy the flesh but not the wisest of choices.

Viewing movie stars, professional persons, sports figures, who have used steroids, and drugs to excel in their careers, we see many have ended up with a collapsed house.

We have a choice, Rock or Sand - - Life or Death, Wise or Foolish, Smart or Dumb?

Jesus did not say we would never be tempted, tested, or experience trials including disease, but he did say “You will not be overcome.”

May we follow the words of Jesus and be wise to hear his Words, and then Act on them.

This is the path to True Wisdom.

This post is shared with Charlotte’s Spiritual Sundays


Denise said...

Wonderful and inspiring thoughts here Hazel; if we do not have a deep foundation of faith and a solid testimony of truth, we may have difficulty withstanding the storms and challenges of hardship which unsurprisingly come to each of us!

Blessings for a week of joy and His amazing grace! :)

Sarah said...

Faith is what keeps us strong ... wrapped in love and hope.

Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip onto goodness.
