Monday, November 29, 2010

Fellowship Vs Relationship

Many of our family members (and close friends) have moved to other States, or are too far away for regular visits.

We have a relationship because we are related as family, but our fellowship is limited to phone calls, e-mail and an occasional letter or greeting card. Often we fellowship on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, Holidays, at re-unions, at weddings and - - at funerals.

Let us think a moment about our fellowship with our God. To begin with, not all persons are relatives of God, but to become a child of God, we must be born into God’s family. This can be brought about by believing on Jesus and receiving Him as our Lord and Savior. Now we have become a child of God.

Now we are related to God by the New Birth. Next will come Fellowship with God.

When we enter into God’s family, our fellowship with Him can and should be a continual walk and talk. We are not restricted to a set time to speak with our Lord. We do not need to kneel in a certain place, or light candles, or lift our voice in lofty tones, but our fellowship with Jesus is so sweet that we may talk to him all the time and any time, as we would to any other friend.

I am reminded of the old Gospel Hymn that goes like this:

1. What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms;
What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms.

o Refrain:
Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms;
Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.

2. Oh, how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,
Leaning on the everlasting arms;
Oh, how bright the path grows from day to day,
Leaning on the everlasting arms.

3. What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
Leaning on the everlasting arms?
I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
Leaning on the everlasting arms.

Oh what fellowship, Oh what joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms.

This Post has been entered in "One Word at a Time Carnival" at:
Please check out her site for other entries, each is unique in its presentation.

Dogs Days!

Two of our dogs usually have brown noses, reason being, because they dig in our yard a lot.

Our older Lab, Buck keeps his nose clean because he usually watches; and when the other two discover a mole, old Buck grabs it right quick.

One day recently, my husband, Bob heard a great big commotion, and taking a paper towel he was hoping to retrieve what ever it was. There was Old Buck carrying this mole in his mouth. Buck was not about to give it up, and soon it disappeared from sight. Uggg, but that is the way it is with dogs.

This morning, our dogs were again having another hullabaloo, so out went my husband to investigate what all the fuss was about.

My husband, discovered an injured small hawk hopping around in our yard.  Old dog Buck went to the bird and almost tenderly put it into his mouth.  Bob was there in time to rescue it, and place it on the other side of our fence.  Off it went, hopefully to recover and get better.

This time of year, we are to think of others, those who are hurting, the poor, and afflicted.

There are agencies in each of our neighborhoods that can use volunteers, either as helpers or making contributions with money or supplies.

Your church or organization may be one that helps others. Do get involved in some way, always remembering the Bible story of the good man who stopped in the road to help a wounded person, someone he did not know and was not of his race and religion.

Luke 10:34 And the Good Samaritan went to the injured man, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

Love the Lord.  Love your fellow man, and do not forget to even love yourself.

Luke 10:27 And Jesus answered and said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and your neighbor as yourself.”

Friday, November 26, 2010

After School Treats

My elementary school was on the same street that we lived on, and although it was a long block, but we did not need to cross any streets.

When school was over, we would rush home to see what Mother had prepared for our after school treat.

I remember one day, it was fresh hot home made cinnamon rolls, but usually it was a cookie with a glass of milk.

These treats reminded me of my Mother’s love and her concern that we not famish and waste away between after school and dinner time.

I believe God is that way too, because every now and then he gives us a little taste of His Glory and our memory is jogged to understand His love for us.

Today we can sit at his table and drink of his life giving water, as we read and study His Word. We are conscious of the fact that someday we will be with Him in heaven at the Grand Supper that He will prepare for those who love Him.

God has special treats for his children, and they are not allotted to simply “After School.”

We can partake of his Holy love, by spending time with him any day of the week, and not just on Sundays or school days.

One of Mothers favorite treats was her special Apple Cake and I share the recipe with you.

This has also been entered in Food on Fridays at: and at EKats Kitchen: Do check out these sites and enjoy the recipes you will find there.

Perhaps some will be an after school treat for you!

Apple Cake

3 cups chopped or sliced apples, 2 cups sugar
Cover the apples with the sugar and set for 10 minutes.

2 eggs, 1 cup oil, 1 tsp vanilla
Mix eggs, oil and vanilla and add to the apples

2 cups flour, 1 tsp soda, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 cup chopped walnuts.
Sift the dry ingredients together and add to the above. Add nuts. Mix with a wooden spoon.

Oil a 13x18 pan or an angel food pan, or bunt cake pan and bake 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Photo courtesy of

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

No Mom Does Not Speak Spanish

Visiting my mother at her Assisted Living care Home, is often an experience that seems futile.

Some visits Mother speaks fluently saying such things as “Your hands are so cold, let me pray for you.” Other times, her speech is mumbled and not recognizable. She seems to float in and out of reality, most days not certain who I am, or who is her grandchild that I bring with me.

One day, my daughter and I took with us some old photo albums and positioned my mother with us at a table in a quiet spot. I turned each page, repeating the names of the persons in view. She was very interested in each photo, but she said, not a word. When we finished she spoke the words, “Love shown,” and repeated the words again. We were thankful that she appreciated the love that we had shone and let shine on her that day.

As we were ready to leave, one of the aides asked me if my mother spoke Spanish?

I told her, no, my mother only speaks English. The young care giver said, “When Mrs. Bermudez was here with the music, she prayed with your mother and I thought they were both speaking Spanish.”

Hiding a smile, I explained, “Oh no, that wasn’t Spanish, it was their prayer language.” They were speaking directly to God about his will.”

I continued to explain; “The Holy Spirit will give Christians a prayer language when they are Baptized in the Holy Spirit. This praying is in sort of a secret code direct to God, and no one else knows what they are saying, and especially the devil does not have a clue.”

The second helper who was standing by, spoke up, “I know about that, because they do that at my Church.”

I was so blessed to know that this Assisted Living Home is filled with Christian helpers who give loving and kind care to my mother and to the other residents.

I was also blessed to know that there are still Churches and Christians who pray in the Holy Ghost prayer language, for this is a blessing that all may receive.

Yes, there is MORE in the Christian life that many are not aware of, and some do not accept. Studying the Bible especially in the book of Acts will reveal that this gift is one that is for all believers who will seek for it.

Paul said in Corinthians; that he spoke in tongues more than you all, and he continued by saying, do not forbid to speak in tongues for there is power in this type of praying.

Jude 1:20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost - - -

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jail – Do not Pass Go

For many years, my mother’s mom and dad traveled each Sunday to the local jail to minister. The men looked forward to the visits by my grandparents who showered them with the Love of the Lord, and shared scriptures from the Bible with them.

Grandma’s sermon was simple: “Get rid of Self and put Jesus there instead.”

I never understood her message until years later, when I realized she meant the “To get rid of the old sinful man, and receive the new creation.” Jesus was always her answer to every problem.

Grandma told me to always love the sinner, and only to hate the sin, and she put that into practice.

My husband went with my grandparents a few times to the jail, but he did not like the gates that opened, clanged shut and locked as they passed from one area to another.  He told me that he could see in the eyes of the prisoner’s only glaring hate. There were no friends there in that prison.

There was no escape from that jail until the prisoner’s sentence was completed, and they were released.

As I think about sinners who do not accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, I am not considering only people in jail. Instead I refer to average persons, friends and neighbors, who will be locked away in Hell where there is no escape if they fail to receive Jesus.

One day I talked to a loud mouthed young man, and he told me he wanted to go to hell, because all his friends would be there. Can you consider how stupid that answer was?

I told him in Hell, no one is your friend, and those he once knew would be cursing him for not telling them about Jesus the only Way to Heaven.

We have no idea of the torments that await those without Jesus, but the other choice is so simple and that is to avoid Hell, by asking Jesus into your heart.

If hell was only a small cage where a person was locked up in total darkness for eternity, that would be bad enough, but it will be much worse than that. Hell will not be a big party!

Some would say, ‘How can a Loving God send persons to Hell?”

The answer to that question is simple too. Because He is a Loving God, He sent his only Son to die in our place, so that our sins could be forgiven and we could make Heaven our eternal home.

We have a choice and we can choose now to receive His life. 
Come into my Heart Lord Jesus.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Volunteers for The Lord

Our musical friends requested that we join them for a mixed quartet to sing at our church, and to also sing for other occasions. We volunteered. Then our musical friend heard of a minister who needed some live music for his radio broadcast. We volunteered.

Both of our families lived 20 miles from our church, and we both had 3 small children each, so you might say this was a hardship, but we were happy to do this. It meant our families needed to stay all day in the city with our church as our base.

We did not ask the radio preacher for payment and were not offered any, because this was out of the goodness of our hearts. So on Sundays, we would stay after church bring a pot luck in the church kitchen, and then go to our friends Radio service; then back to our church for evening worship.

As time went on, our children, and our adult flesh began to weary. After many months of our “giving graciously,” we finally told the preacher that we were sorry but we could no longer sing at his radio broadcast.

His remark was NOT, thank you for all your sacrificial giving to my ministry, but instead we heard the words, “Well, you just can’t depend on anybody these days!”

I suppose it was a flat way of the preacher certainly letting the air out of our tires!!

I am wondering if all the volunteers at your ministry and/or church are appreciated for all of their hard work. Often we take for granted those who labor without pay, and they willingly do so as a gift unto the Lord.

There are Sunday School teachers, the choir, worship team, the band, the board members, those who head up committees, workers who bring flowers to the Sunday services, those who set up tables for fellowship time, and not to be forgotten, and those who tend to the babies in the nursery. I know there are others, because some churches depend on volunteers to clean the church, to count the offerings, to manage the books, tend to the landscaping, set up communion, and other work all given freely as unto the Lord.

Just because someone does a job well, does not mean that it is a life time commitment. There is a season when it is time for a break, and someone else needs to volunteer. And when the volunteers decline, give them the gratitude they deserve and let them know they have been appreciated.

I am not saying that all volunteer workers should be paid a salary, but a word of gratitude given from time to time, would be like jewels of gold being offered.

Now it is my time to say an enthusiastic, “Thank you, thank you, readers who volunteer to keep coming back to read my stories.”

Double thank you to all those who leave comments, and to those who click “Like” on Face-book. I appreciate you all, and my heartfelt thanks to you for reading and for sharing my blog with your friends.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Burnt toast and Curly Hair

My Dad insisted that he was born with straight black hair, but always wished for curls.

As he tells it, his sister Blanch told him that if he really wanted black curly hair that he must eat lots of burnt toast. My dad believed her, and each morning he would burn his toast to a crisp and enjoy the flavor.

Some say this is a myth, but I wonder, because after many months it began to work, for his black hair began to curl.  All the days that I knew my dad he sported black curly hair.

I don’t know if this was a story to get me to eat my burnt toast, and I don’t mind toast that is a bit burnt, but my blond hair never did turn black with curls.

Many of us are not satisfied with our hair, our shape, and our nose; because we have this tendency to always want to be something different than the way God made us.

Let me diverse here and apply this toward a spiritual subject.  God has a plan where we can be changed into a New Creation, to never be the same again.

Isn’t it wonderful that you do not need to eat burnt toast to become this new person?  Simply invite Jesus into your heart and he does the changing on the inside of us, by his Holy Spirit.

2Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things are passed away; behold, new things have come.

Submitted to Food on Fridays at and to Friday Pot Luck at: 

Corn Bread (Southern Style)
1 ½ cups yellow corn meal
½ cup flour
1 Tb baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 egg
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 cup milk
Optional: add one small chopped onion in the mix.

Sift dry ingredients. Add oil, egg and milk and blend well. Pour into an 8 inch square pan (or 12 muffin pan.) Bake in hot oven at 400 degrees 25 minutes, or until done. Serve warm with butter, or serve cold crumbled in milk or butter milk.

My Selfish Puppy

Our older Lab, Buck loves to retrieve. He will return a ball or a toy and lay at my feet for another go around.

When I tossed the ball on the garage roof, and allowed it to roll down, he loved to catch the ball before it hit the ground.

Then one day we got a new puppy, Luke also a Lab. We purchased some dog toys with squeakers and how the new puppy enjoyed playing with his toys. Our older dog, Buck wanted the toys too, but the puppy would pull and tug until he had the toy in his grasp.

If I would put down two toys, one for each dog, the puppy would run and grab until both toys were in his mouth.

Our puppy was utterly selfish!! No sharing for this little one.

Two years have passed, and although Luke is no longer a pup, he is still as selfish as ever and will not allow old Buck to play with a ball, or toy.

I have observed small children at play and everything is “Mine.” None for you, only for me!

Sharing and giving can be learned and it is a gratifying experience to impart to others.

At this time of year as we reflect on all the blessings of God, it is the season to share with those who are less fortunate.

Even persons with little, actually have much, compared to many who have nothing.

Research your local Rescue Mission or Food bank and make some donations not just now, but also during the year. There is always a need and you can have a part.

If you believe you have nothing to give, consider volunteering your help in a tangible way

Share and give, from a good and willing heart. No selfishness allowed here.

Matthew 10:42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Take That Back Now!

Grandma had recently been moved into a care home, and she was experiencing memory problems. Perhaps I was worried, and was not feeling too well myself.

So when my daughter came for a visit, and she asked me, “How is Grandma doing?”  I heaved a sigh and made an off handed remark, “Well, as things are, I may go before she does.”

My daughter sat up straight, glared at me and shocked me as she said, “Mother, take that back, take that back right now.”

I could tell she was very serious, and I knew I had spoken carelessly. Sheepishly I blurted out, Yes, I take it back, and I take it back right now. Then I made a positive statement, “I shall live and not die!”

She continued to teach me things that I had often said myself; all that the Bible says about life and death are in the power of the tongue, and we should be careful with our words.  As I listened, I knew she was telling me the truth and I was entirely focused on her words.

How often we make casual comments tossing our words carelessly when we actually do not mean what we are saying. Phrases such as: “I am tickled to death!” “You are such an idiot!” Let’s go home to the poor house.” “You will be the ruin of me yet.”

I know that children can be molded by always telling them that they are no good, and that they will never amount to anything. Also saying those same things about ourselves can be damaging to our own flesh and soul.

I understand that children can be encouraged to excel by choosing positive words, such as, “You are so special to me, I am so proud of you, what a good job, and I really like what you have done.” Again, as we think on and repeat with our mouth, the scriptures of what God says about us, it is health to our body and to our spirit.

Reading our Bible, as if God is speaking to ME, reminds us that God loves us unconditionally, and we are special in His sight, and that He desires only good for us.

At times we need to be reminded, to watch our talk, our walk and to be all that God intends us to be. It is a wonderful thing when our own children can be our teacher.

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live:

Joshua 1:8-9 This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success. Have not I commanded you? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the LORD your God is with you where ever you go.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Little Things Cause me to be Grateful

Some silly little things still give me a thrill, for instance when I finally balance my check book, or observing the flowers I planted peek through, and begin to bud and bloom.

From the sun rise, to the sun set, viewing the moon and the stars, the first gentle rain, a babies smile, the smell of fresh bread baking are things that cause me to be thankful.

My husband still enchantments me as I see him each day. He remains to me as the 20 year old man that I married many years ago, with only a few physical changes here and there.

I especially enjoy my dogs as they play, and they beg me to join in with a game of fetch.

Working at my computer is of great satisfaction to me and to relax, I benefit from some of the online games, because they cause me to think and to exercise my mind.

Finding a genuine bargain, if at a local store, online, or at a yard sale is exciting to me. I am reminded to say “Thank you Lord, for all of your blessings, large or small.”

It is also good to verbally share with others how much you love and appreciate them. Your voice of affection will cause them to be happy! Finding contentment and satisfaction in our work, rejoicing in our friends and family brings health to our bones!

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.

Lest I forget, there is one more thing that delights and makes me happy, and that is when you lead a person in the sinner’s prayer, and they receive Jesus into their heart. Vicariously you experience their spark of new life and it is almost like you yourself are being born again at the same time as they encounter God.

Yes, serving Jesus makes me happy, and He brings me joy and gratitude in my day.

Psalms 144:15 Happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.

Entered into the “One Word at a Time Carnival.” The Word is: Gratitude.
Please check out the other great entries at:

Absolutely NONE

One of my former Pastors thought I was too assertive, and at one time he told me I was rebellious.

I believe this was because, each time he finished his Sunday sermon, and he shook hands with members as we left, I would give him something else to think about on his subject. He would retreat to his study books and come out usually glowing, and sometimes growling.

One mother’s day, he preached about women in the Bible, and according to what he implied, he forcefully put women in their PLACE. As I left that day and shook his hand, I told him that I could hardly wait for Father’s day to see what he would come up to set all the men down. It was about that time he said I was rebellious.

One morning after our women’s missionary meeting, I sat in his office with him and his wife, and he asked me if I ever had doubts that I might not make it into heaven.

I sat up straight, looked him in the eye, and with an emphatic voice, I told him, “No doubts, absolutely NONE!”

Puzzled a bit, but I wondered; why would he ask me such a question unless he had doubts about his own salvation?

I honestly believe he read more books and study books instead of the Bible, and he wondered if he sinned every day like some say we all do.

If you read your Bible, and study along as you are reading it, you will discover that if you are walking in the Light of His Word, then you do not have to worry that you need to balance short accounts at the end of the day. Keep your mind on the Lord, and your feet planted and there is no need to sin each day as some say we all do.

There is a song that says, I have decided to follow Jesus, NO turning back.

Once you have made that quality decision, your job is to stay on track, and not make provision to fall away. If you do fall and you realize it, then quickly get up repent and go on. Don’t wait for night to do your catching up!

God’s part is to keep you safe in His hand, and to provide you with daily instructions from the Holy Spirit.

Listen to that still small voice and obey. Then you will be able to say with me - - -

I have NO doubts that I will make it in. I have No fears - - No doubts - - Absolutely NONE.

This post was shared at: PlayDates with God:  Do visit and enjoy other excellent posts you will discover there.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Green Hair Vs Red

Her sharp eyes met mine, and she blurted out, “What are you looking at?”

How could I help but see her? Her entire being was crying out, “Look at me!”

I was actually thinking that this girl needs attention, and she is demanding it in the wrong way.

I won’t say multiple piercing, but a few anyway, and her green hair was certainly striking.

Not wanting to be rude, as I looked her in the eye, I replied, “I just think your hair is awesome.”

Her countenance softened and she weakly said, “Well thank you.”

Now green is not MY color at least not for hair. I once told the girls where I worked, that I might consider red if I ever want to change my blond hair to something else.

To be honest, I don’t need the attention that a new red hair color might bring to me.

For me, I gained my acceptance by performance. I worked very hard in school for good grades not only to please my parents, but to feel better about myself.

Being the best at what I did was an attempt to perhaps even please God. I am not always the best, but I endeavor to be, not better than, but at least, “as good as.”

As I reflect, I know that God loves us just as we are, but as someone has said; “He loves us too much to leave us that way.”

We can do nothing of our selves to earn favor with God. His love is unconditional and all God’s gifts are free, although there are some conditions that he places of his gifts.

Perhaps number one, He desires that we be willing and obedient. There is a difference about obeying but not really wanting to. God yearns for our attitude to be of a willing nature as we obey Him.

1Peter 5:6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time.

As I have grown older it is not carelessness, but I suppose that I actually “Care Less” what people think of me. I do care more about what God thinks of me

What I really desire is for others to see, Jesus in me, and that is what I strive for.

Paul said, “Look at me,” and follow me as I follow Christ.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Turkey Day? – NOT!

I hate it when I hear someone say, Turkey Day, instead of giving the day its’ proper name, Thanks Giving Day!

Thanksgiving is the day we bake our turkey, or goose, or chicken and give thanks to God for all our bountiful blessings. We call into remembrance all the goodness of God to us and to our families.

As we go around the table allowing each person to declare what they are thankful for, it warms my heart to realize that I am thankful for my family and for those we hold dear.

Some would say, I am glad for my home, or my clothes, or my car, my computer, or other possessions, but all this would pale in the light of being grateful for our loved ones.

Thanksgiving Day, is only one day out of the year, and truly we should find something everyday to be thankful for. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!!

All this reminds me that I am mostly thankful to God, for sending His Son Jesus to be our redeemer so that we might inherit eternal life.

Thanksgiving is only a few days away, and after our turkey has been baked, and we have all fellowshipped together and enjoyed the day; if there is any turkey left over, here is my amazing recipe for Turkey Enchiladas.

Swiss Turkey Enchiladas

Set aside 1 dozen soft flour tortillas, to be fried in hot oil, first skillet

In large second skillet or large pan, warm until room temperature
6 bouillon cubes dissolved in 3 cups light cream. (I use 1 can evaporated milk and the balance sweet milk.)

In another separate skillet number 3,
Sauté 1 chopped onion in 2 tsp oil.
Add 1 clove garlic crushed.
2 cans tomato puree, Salt and pepper to taste.
One 4 oz can diced green chilies
2 cups chopped cooked turkey and simmer 10 minutes. Divide into 12 portions.

Fry each tortilla in hot oil, then dip it into the milk mixture, and place it on a plate.
Put 1/12 of the turkey mixture into the tortilla, roll it up and place into a baking dish.
We use two baking dishes with six enchiladas in each dish.
Pour the rest of the milk mixture over the rolled tortillas.
Top with 1/2 pound of grated Jack cheese.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. If there is any is left over seal in zip lock bags and freeze.

This article has been entered on Food on Fridays at
and also entered on: Pot Luck Friday at: check out some great recipes on both sites.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Trust Me

Looking for a way to earn some extra money; my husband decided to purchase a used pick-up truck so he could do odd jobs.

He shopped and compared prices and finally decided on a used truck that was in excellent condition. The car dealer was having it checked out, and we had not yet taken delivery.

A few days later around noon time, my door bell rang. When I opened the door, it was the car salesman, who I recognized as the person who had sold us the truck.

In his hand he held a contract and a pen, and asked if my husband was home. Naturally my husband was at work, he was not available and I told the salesman so.

The salesman suggested that I could sign the contract for my husband. I hesitated mostly because the contract was blank. I told him of my uncertainty to sign a blank document because it was not filled in. He explained that the girl at the office would type it in as soon as he returned and all he needed was a signature.

“Trust me,” he said, as he offered me the pen. I was young and gullible, so I took the pen and scribbled my husbands name to the paper. The Salesman was happy, and he left.

A few days later, a payment book arrived in the mail and as I inspected it, I realized something was not right. I told me husband that the amount was not what we had agreed to pay for the truck and instead a much larger amount was due.

My husband made a quick trip to the dealership and asked for the manager. He tried to control his temper, but he told the manager that in no uncertain terms, we were not going to pay what we were now being charged. The manager smirked and went to his filing cabinet and pulled out the contract, and holding it out to my husband, he said, “Is this your signature?”

My husband emphatically told him, “NO it is NOT.”

To make a long story short, we eventually took delivery of the truck, and a new and better payment book, after they received a bonafied signature on a new contract.

Perhaps you have learned to hesitate when someone says to you, “Trust me.”

I certainly have! I also have become skilled at researching things out and may I suggest that you do so also.

Spiritually we should be aware that it was Satan that told Eve to “Trust me.”

If someone tells you a “new truth,” it would be a good idea to search it out in the Bible to be certain it lines up with Scripture.

When we do our research into the Word of God, we discover His truth revealed as it is written there, a Word that we can always trust.

God is the one who is always Trustworthy.  When God says," Trust ME," we can take it to the bank!

This post has been shared at Bonnie's Faith Barista site


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Grab and Hold or Release?

Not far from where we lived in Oakland, California was a small bargain Thrift store that helped in the support of the Fred Finch Home.  I took my girls to the store, many times and we would find lovely articles, many were brand new, that we could enjoy for a small price.

The store was located at the edge of the property belonging to the Fred Finch-Youth Center. A home like setting was provided by the Youth Center for hurting youth who required services not available from other agencies.

I found this interesting that one of its most prominent early residents was Pulitzer Prize winner and academy award winning writer: William Saroyan, who wrote about his experiences while living with his siblings at the Fred Finch Center in the early 1900s.

At the Thrift store, I discovered two lovely carnival glass bowls that I purchased there. The volunteer told me that they had gone through the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. I still have one of the bowls today in my possession.

One day, it seemed the Lord was telling me to give one of the two bowls to Ethel, a young girl that I worked with, becaise I knew that she was interested in old carnival glass. Ethel was being transferred to another department, and the team members were giving her a little going away party, so I brought the dish all wrapped up nice, and gave it to her.

She was very surprised and asked, how could I part with such a treasure? I hesitated a bit, and then I told her, “You may not believe this, but God told me to give this to you.”

She accepted my answer without question, because she knew I was a Christian and that I listened to the Lord.

There are many things (possessions) we hold dear, and some belongings we tend to clutch more tightly. It is the holding that which is ours, in an open hand that will bring us peace if we find it suddenly snatched from us.

Another way of saying this would be to “Let things go with no regrets.” To enjoy them while you have them, but to be willing to release them, if the need arises that they are taken away.

I am reminded that God released his very own son from the glories of heaven and allowed him to become flesh, and to eventually be crucified as a sacrifice for our benefit.

Were it not for God’s open hand to give us His Son, we would be lost, but because of His love, we have been found.

As Jesus prepared to return to heaven, He released to us His Holy Spirit so that we, each and every one of us can enjoy daily, His presence within our heart.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I Failed the first Test

Our Drivers Ed class at my High school consisted of learning the rule book so we could pass the exam for our learners permit.  At that time, the age to obtain your drivers license was 18, but it has since been lowered to 16.  Many schools now offer an instructor and special cars to teach the students to drive properly.

Our High school did not provide us with a real car and a trainer, so my dad became my instructor. Dad worked for the railroad and he often did switching of the box cars at the Safeway warehouse. Their parking lot was large and he knew that on the week end it would be empty.

One week end, Dad drove me there in our old Chevy, with its clutch system, and started my lessons. Naturally I jerked the old car many times before I learned to gently release my foot slowly from the clutch pedal.

When Dad decided I was ready to drive in traffic, he taught me to safely make a left turn and how to judge the distance of other drivers. The hard part was learning to back into a parallel parking place. We practiced with only one car that was already parked, and I learned to pull in behind it with only a few smooth moves.

My mother took me to the DMV for my scheduled driving test, and the lady seemed nice as I took her for my test ride. She had me make a left turn, and in those days, you stuck out your arm to signal your directions. I did fine. Then she had me do the parallel parking and I made some stop and go attempts that did not please her.

Sorry to say, I failed my first driving test, and was rescheduled for a later date; at which time I did pass with flying colors.

Just because I failed once, that did not stop me from trying again. I was determined to leave behind any fears, and to press on until I reached success.

That sort of attitude is a good one to latch on to. If you fall, get up!

If you spill something clean it up and make a new effort.

If at first you don’t succeed, Try, and try again; is an excellent truism to keep in mind.

If you fail at something, it may be time to study some more, and do extra research on your project.

Your part is to study, to learn and to practice, and God promises to help you. God’s part is that He will bring to your remembrance those things that you need to know.

Failure doesn't mean you are a failure... it just means you haven't succeeded yet. ~Robert Schuller

You always pass failure on your way to success. ~Mickey Rooney

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dirty Hands

Why are your hands so dirty?

The words came flowing from the mouth of a three year old child in the beginners Sunday school class. My husband was substituting for a vacationing teacher that Sunday, and he had no ready answer for a three year old to help her to understand why his hands appeared so dirty.

My husband worked in the roofing industry and the sharp sandpaper like granules of the asphalt shingles bit hard into his flesh leaving asphalt scars. The tar and gravel roofing also did its dirty work on his hands, and at times would burnt parts of his body.

No matter how hard he scrubbed and rubbed, with Lava Soap, or his mainstay, “Sta-Lube Cleaner,” there was always a residue that remained on the palms of his hands.

Children often speak what is on their mind, and there was no embarrassment for this child to ask him this simple question. Why are your hands so dirty?

I hesitate to consider this, but does God ever ask us, “Why are your hands so dirty?”

Hopefully we are not dabbling in something, touching something, planning something, to get our hands dirty - - in a manner of speaking.

I won’t elaborate, but we could go a long way to illustrate situations that would demonstrate how our hands could get us into myriads of trouble.

God knows our actions, and our very thoughts, and he sends the Holy Spirit to ask us the hard questions that may startle us. When He does, we do need to stop, sit up and listen!

Is there something you are allowing in your life that is soiling your hands?

Understand that it is not too late. You can come to the Lord, repent, and request that he use his best cleaning solvent to clean up what should not be there.

The blood of Jesus will wash you whiter than the snow, and you can present to him your clean hands!

1John 1:7 But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son, cleanses us from all sin.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Aprons by Hazel

Aprons by Hazel was submitted to Food On Fridays.

There they hung on a hook behind the free standing stove in our large family kitchen. Home made aprons.

My mother sewed and made most of our clothing. One item she made for both my sister and me were aprons; and she wore one herself as she cooked.

For each meal, we slipped our apron over our head and enjoyed our eating as we kept our dresses clean. Our wardrobe was limited and it was simpler to launder an apron than it was to wash and iron our dresses.
I can remember back in sewing class in High School, one of the first items we made was an apron.

I don't wear aprons much anymore, and I have one tucked away somewhere. It would probably be a good idea for me to get it out and use it especially when I bake!!

My daughter tells me that her granddaughters, and even her grandsons, know what an apron is for. She informs me that they love to use them especially when baking or cooking. The children love to assist and the aprons keep their clothes clean as they help.

Although the myriad of uses have dwindled, aprons are still a needed item in our home! I will slip on my apron as I create my famous Date Nut Cake.

Submitted on Food on Fridays at
Check out the many great recipes recorded there: fof

Best Date Nut Cake

2 cups sugar, ½ tsp salt, 3 T Cocoa, 1 tsp Cinnamon, 1 cup real whole egg mayonnaise, 1 cup chopped walnuts, 1 cup chopped dates or raisins, 1 tsp soda, 1 cup boiling water, 2 cups sifted flour.

Mix first 4 ingredients into a bowl. Add mayo and blend. Add soda to boiling water. Pour over nuts and dates and let stand a few minutes. Add to the mayo mixture. Gradually add the sifted flour and mix well. Bake in 12x8x2 glass pan at 350 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes. This cake is a collectors item.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Have you ever seen a child (or wife) put their hands to their ears and cry out La La La La La La La?

They simply did not want to hear what was being told to them.

The words were probably good words and worth hearing.

In the case of children it was probably something they needed to hear.

In the case of wives – it is often good to listen to a husband’s wisdom!

Have you ever said La La La to God when he is speaking to you?

It may be that God is speaking to you through the Bible and definitely it is worth listening to.

OR it may be the minister at church who is giving out a good message that strikes to your heart.

OR it could be a friend just sharing; what ever the case – next time you are tempted to put your hands over your ears and say La La La, it might be better to stop and listen to what is being said. Because - - -

It could be just the very thing you need to hear.

Check out our other site at:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Butting Heads by Hazel

Entered into the “One Word at a Time Carnival.” The Word is: Reconciliation.
Please check out the other great entries at: 

Butting Heads

It must be normal for some mother-in laws and daughter-in-laws to butt heads from time to time.

In our case, my sweet mother-in-law and I got along quite well, because she always did everything I told her to do!

I remember one time, my young 4 year old brother in-law who was just a tad older than my own children, and he spit out the F word, at my mother-in-law. I grabbed him up, turned him over my knee, and gave him three swats quick as your eye can blink.  His mom, (my Mother-in-law,) said, “He doesn’t know what he is saying, and he is just a baby.” I told her, he knew enough that it was disrespectful, and as I looked him in the eye, I told him to never speak to “B” like that again.  All of her children called her “B”, and I think it was because she thought she was too young to be called mom.  Anyway, that is another story.

Then my children grew up, got married, and I found that I was now the Mother-in-law.

I have always been good at telling people what to do and taking charge, and I really do not plan to change, but things were different with my new daughter-in-law.  She had been raised in a rather large family, with brothers to tease her, and hurt her feelings.

Some of the things I said, were not taken lightly, and were misinterpreted.  In her way of thinking, she was certain that I did not like her; and that I thought she was not doing a good job of raising my grandchildren. Those were her thoughts, not mine, although I did have some good suggestions.

As it was inevitable, one day without realizing it at the time, I spoke in haste, and hurt her feelings deeply. The next trips to our place, she found an excuse to stay home, and only the boys and our son visited.

Sometimes, I am dense, because I tend to give others the benefit of the doubt, but I finally realized that I had offended her, and she was not about to forgive me. Thinking back, I could even point to the event that must have triggered the whole thing.

Finally in desperation, I knew I must at least take action on my part to bring about reconciliation. If she did not respond, that would be “her problem and not mine.”

So, one day, I called her cell phone, and left a message for her to return the call. Shortly she did, and I proceeded to remind her of the event, and told her I realized that I had hurt her feelings, and I asked her to please forgive me. I told her I missed her when she did not visit, and I wanted her to understand that she was always welcome at our home.

“Yes, I forgive you,” she said, and that was enough for me.

I must recognize that she is the mother and I am the Mother-in-law, and there is no reason for us to butt heads.

White and Bright

In the early 1950s I went to work in the office at a Chemical Company that produced Laundry detergents in large 50 pound bags.

The enterprise was new, and had started in the owner’s garage, but when the business grew, he was forced to move to a larger location. The warehouse was usually full of smelly dust from the grinding machine and even though the worker wore a mask, his eyes were always red.

Our records could not be in alphabetical order because almost every customer was named Launderette, so the simple answer was to file by address.

In those days, the launderette businesses would wash and fold your clothes, using the soap purchased from our company.

The bags were heave and bulky, but after sampling the detergent, I discovered my white laundry came out much whiter and brighter than ever before.

Times have changed and now most Launderettes have vending machines with small boxes of supplies available for the customer at a price.

When I left the chemical company job, I continued to purchase their soap.

My friend asked me to care for her baby while she worked, and we were both surprised as her babies dingy diapers began to change to white and bright from the use of my soap.

In life, there are dingy wrongdoings that may cling to us, but the Bible tells us that if we come and confess to the Lord, that He will WASH us whiter than the snow.

Psalms 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

God makes it simple, just your desire to be free from the dirt and smelly filth; and to talk to him like you would talk to your friend. Tell Him all about it and ask Him to clean you with his special cleanser

It will seem like magic, as in no time at all you will be white and bright.

Revelations 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

John 15:3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.