This story was submitted to Food on Fridays at: http://annkroeker.com/ Please check out Ann’s site for some great recipe selections. My Recipe for Turkey Squares will follow, and it is an excellent “Hot” dish for left over turkey.
Quitting Cold Turkey
This was something that I had to do. Beings it was New Years and a time for resolutions, I was impressed that I needed to give up Coffee for at least a year. I will not say that “God told me to quit.” But it was sort of like that.
I decided to quit cold turkey!
What holds you in its power? Coffee held me. I was always with a cup of coffee in my hand, and it was my comfort and stay.
I made this a quality decision, that I would quit coffee, and only drink Hot water as my substitute to begin with the New Year and to last all year.
What happened next was a surprise to me.
Wow, I never have head aches, but by nightfall, I had a dilly. For the next days and into weeks, my joints ached, and I suffered terrible withdrawals.
Only slightly I might understand those who go through withdrawals with other fixed habits when they attempt to quit cold turkey.
I made it through the entire year, and after the year, I began to allow coffee when out to a restaurant, or every now and then. Mostly I drank tea.
One thing I desired was for coffee not to control me, and I still must watch that carefully.
Are there things in your life that are controlling YOU? One of our Bible professors once told us the secret to breaking a “Habit.”
That was to simply DROP it to BREAK it.
That sounds like Cold Turkey to me!!
Turkey Squares
6 T butter, 6 T flour, 2 cups milk, 2 chicken bouillon cubes, 4 cups finely chopped turkey,
1 cup soft bread crumbs or stuffing, ¼ cup finely chopped parsley. 1 small onion chopped 4 large eggs, salt and pepper to taste.
Make a white sauce of the butter, flour and milk and remove from heat, add the bouillon cubes and mash them up. Add the meat, bread, parsley and onion. Beat the eggs in, one at a time, stir in the seasonings. Place in an 8x8 baking dish and bake 45 min at 350.
This is a yummy way to use that left over turkey from Thanksgiving, so save this recipe for future use.
1 comment:
I quit smoking cold turkey. It was hard, but I did it. It's been almost 18 years now... can't believe I let it keep me captive for so long.
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