Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Green Suit

image courtesy PhotoBucket

My memory was triggered as I read Floyds post on “Fashion.” You might enjoy his interesting post at

I was reminded that many years ago I had lots of fun shopping at a local “close-out” store. They often had the best bargains and usually one of a kind, items at just the right price.

One day I spotted this “reasonably priced” and very pretty man’s suit in just my husband’s size. The only thing was it was a nice lime green color and I debated if I should purchase it or not. Finally I decided to take a chance and bring it home with me.

That evening when my hubby arrived home from work, I surprised him with my lovely purchase!!

image courtesy Photobucket

He took one look at it, and told me to march right back to the store and get my money back and to please let him pick out his own clothes!! Needless to say, I took it back!!

That was many years ago, and today he does allow me to buy his lounging pants for indoors but never a suit or shoes!

I am reminded that our clothing does not matter to God. He is not impressed if we wear fine apparel.  Rather God is looking at our heart.

1Samuel 16:7 “For man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”

I have always believed that when we attend church that we should be dressed clean and in appropriate clothing. I have seen some ladies wearing shorts and halter tops that embarrassed me to no end.

I suppose that God was looking at their heart while I was judging them.

God is interested in the person we are on the inside. Are you a person that God will be pleased with when he takes a look at your heart?

This post was shared at: Saturday hop Between the Lines   Do visit the site and enjoy the posts there.


floyd said...

Lime green! Wow! Your husband probably didn't want to hear the grief from his associates either!

The finest things in this world covering our bodies, can't hide what's on the inside from God. I love that verse from Samuel, probably should have included it in mine. I'd say yours wraps it up quite nicely. Thanks.

Shanda said...

I wouldn't let you buy my clothes either!!! I'm glad God looks on the inside as there are many in this world that have nothing but rags to wear. It is a comforting thought to know our appearances are not as important as our hearts. Yet, I too agree that we need to dress better than the beach when we come to His house.

About a Mom said...

Hi! I love green but don't think I would wear quite that much at once! New follower from the Sunday Hop! I would love for yo to stop by to say hi & return follow!